Kunsttijdschrift Vlaanderen
Kunsttijdschrift Vlaanderen was a literary and cultural magazine published five times a year (1952-2017). Each magazine was designed by a different graphic designer who translated the content into a striking cover. Today they still manage to capture the imagination, because of their image, composition or use of technique. In January 1952 the magazine started as West-Vlaanderen (CVKV), then under the title of Vlaanderen and later it was renamed Kunsttijdschrift Vlaanderen. This modest presentation reveals a selection of the most outstanding magazines published from 1963 to 1988.
Graphic designer Albert Setola was one of the driving forces in the founding and further development of the magazine. Setola designed the inside lay-out for many years, along with a big amount of covers. The strong heads he invited to design the covers excelled, names like Jeanine Behaeghel, André Desmedt, Paul Ibou, Gerbrand jespers, Willy Bosschem all passed and left their mark on its issue.
Thanks to Rossicontemporary, Brussels