(BINGO) is a research and presentation platform for graphic design from Belgium and beyond.
16.10.2024 — 13.04.2025
› Design Museum Brussels
(rencontres )
› Bozar
What catches the eye of a graphic designer? How does the eye focus on the book and typographic details from this perspective? What does it mean to investigate as a designer? These are questions that kept the graphic design students busy while looking through Belgian avant-garde magazines. This part is an annex to the Unpacking …
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We promote exclusively events having a link with graphic design in and out of Belgium. Please send us a mail at [email protected] to get your event promoted on our website. Image: The ironic full stop (⸮ or ؟) is a punctuation mark placed at the end of a sentence to indicate that it should …
A publication about our research and past presentations on the Design Museum’s graphic histories in Ghent is available! We settled for eight weeks in the DING vitrine of the museum, sharing and inhabiting the space with the Post Identity Project*. It is a period too short to dive deep into the museum’s graphic history, but …
Aline Baudet, founder of Accolade studio and teacher at La Cambre in the graphic communication department, will guide us through the exhibition ‘Brussels Queer Graphics‘ at the Design Museum Brussels, on the 24.09.23 at 14h. From the 1950s on, LGBTQI+ communities in Brussels have used graphic design and developed a specific language. This visual …
The evolution of the identity of Design Museum Gent
Graphic Design Museum Gent is a place where Belgian graphic design is researched, discussed, documented, and exhibited. This temporary museum is a workspace of the Belgian Institute of Graphic Design (BINGO), which is researching the graphic history of Design Museum Gent, and Post Identity Project* (PIP*), which is exploring what different new graphic identities the museum can adopt.
“Rencontres d’archives” is an interdisciplinary module proposing a collective and multidisciplinary research of the different forms of archives that exist and circulate through La Cambre. The module proposes to reflect on the different temporalities of the school and its history; students, teachers, technicians, as well as its buildings. The module took place in 2022-23 and …
Invited by the research group KB45 (Art in Belgium since 1945) we investigated the origin and the use of the Frans Masereel logo, created by Paul Voet at the beginning of the centre. Diepdruk — Vlakdruk — Hoogdruk —Doordruk (NL) was published on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Frans Masereel Center on …